Aug 15, 2011

I had my bestest and sweetest DREAM in my life ystd
I know it's a dream
but i hope it wasn't as i wake up.

Yes,i know it is a dream
but i still hope it wasn't a dream.

I know i know it's a dream
but i still hope it wasn't a dream.

Hey, wake up please it is not possible for ur sweetest and best dream come true.
Yes i know. but from the bottom of my heart i still hope it will come true someday.

Whatever. Just to let you know that this is not possible.

Thanks for your remind. I know it cos i never had a dream come true.

Jun 21, 2011

All Da BEST to mE!!

Mar 30, 2011

I can't control myself!!!

I'm out-of-control all the time!!!

Feel so sick....

Jan 16, 2011



Research Project 好可怕~~
Presentation 好可怕~~
Assignment 好可怕~~
Exam 超可怕~~

××打冷颤×× 我哦~~~~